Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Managing Your Medicine II

4. How to Store Your Medicine

It is important to store your medicines properly. Guidelines for proper storage include:

  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Store away from direct heat and light
  • Do not store capsules and tablets in the bathroom, near the kitchen sink, or in other damp places. Heat or moisture may cause the medicine to break down. In addition, do not leave the cotton plug in a medicine container that has been opened since it may draw moisture into the container.
  • Do not store medicine in the refrigerator unless directed to do so.
  • Do not leave your medicine in an automobile for long period of time.
  • Do not keep outdated/expired medicine or medicine that is no longer needed.

5. When Traveling

Carry your medicine with you rather then putting it in your checked luggage. Make sure an adequate source of medicine is available when you travel or take enough supply until the last day during your visit. It is also a good idea to take a copy of your written prescription with you in case you need it.

6. Side Effects of Your Medicine

Along with its intended effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects. Some of these side effects may need medical attention; while others may not. If you are suffering from any unwanted effects, tell your doctor or pharmacist. If you want to know more about possible side effects before commencing any therapy, ask your doctor or pharmacist. They may have an information leaflet on the medicine.

7. Additional Information

  • It is a good idea for you to learn the name of your medicine and even to write them down and keep them for future use.
  • If you must take your medicine every day, do not wait until you have run out of medicine before requesting a refill.
  • If you find it hard to remember when to take your medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist for some suggestions.
  • Read the label each time you take a dose.

Some Don'ts

  • Don't leave the pharmacy without fully understanding the instructions.
  • Don't stop a prescribed course of pills because you feel better. Antibiotics must not be stopped too soon since some of harmful bacteria may not be killed. These bacteria may become resistant to the antibiotic and may multiply and grow again thus causing a relapse of the disease
  • Don't end a course of medicine because of some minor side effects or because you are better overnight or because you believe they are not doing any good. Some medicines take time to work.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Managing Your Medicine

1. Proper Use.

Medicines are generally very safe if used properly. This means taking them at the right dose, the right way and the right time. Otherwise the medicine might not work as well as it should or might even cause unpleasant side-effects.

  • Do not take more than the prescribed dose or take the medicine more often than recommended. TWICE AS MUCH DOESN'T MEAN TWICE AS GOOD.
  • If you forget to take your medicine, don't double the next dose. Doubling up on medicine is dangerous because it may lead to overdosage.
  • Don't use other people's medicine. A medicine that is good for you may be bad for someone else, even if the symptoms are similar. So don't share medicine with family or friends. They should see their own doctor or pharmacist for advice.
  • Don't mix medicine without seeking advice first. If you take two medicine containing the same ingredient, you could be taking an overdose. Some medicine can react with others to produce unpleasant side effects while some can block the actions of others - and actually stop them from working. Before taking your medicine home, make sure you tell your pharmacist if you are taking any other medicine. If you go to the same pharmacy regularly, you could ask the pharmacist to keep a record of your medicine to help detect any potential problems.

2. Self Medication

Before you treat yourself, think of these facts:

  • Many illness run short, natural courses. Uncomplicated cold usually are cure by themselves. Most sore throats get better in a few days, with or without treatment. They are usually caused by viruses which are not cured by antibiotics.
  • Symptoms do not always need treatment. Coughing gets rid of excessive secretion. If a cough is deep and distressing, or disturbs sleep, a cough mixture is good; but a daytime cough should mostly be allowed to do its work.
  • Some medicine are harmful. Some medicine can be harmful especially if taken for a long time, e.g. nose drops should be instilled for occasional relief only.
  • Some medicine can create dependence or addiction. Many people become dependent on sleeping tablets and anti-anxiety drugs.

3. What You Need To Know About Your Medicine

There are a number of things that you should know about each medicine you are taking. These include:

  • What is the name of the medicine?
  • Why am I taking it?
  • What will it do for me?
  • When should I take it? What is the best time and how often?
  • How to take it and how much?
  • Do I have any alternatives to this medicine?
  • What should I do if I miss a dose?
  • Are there any side effects? What to do if they appear?
  • How long to wait before reporting no change in symptoms?
  • How long should I continue taking it?
  • Will this medicine affect any other medicines I am taking?
  • Any food or beverages I should avoid?
  • How should I store my medicine?

Friday, September 12, 2008


1. What is medicine?

Medicines are chemical substances that are used for treatment, prevention and diagnosing diseases. There are medicines that you can buy "over-the-counter" at the pharmacy or supermarkets as well as those you get from your doctor. If used properly medicine will help you to overcome or control your medical problem. Repeated studies have shown that as many as 50% of patients do not take their medicine properly.

It is important to know what your medicine is called and what it looks like. Some medicine may look the same although they have different names and uses. Medicine can be prescribed by its brand name or chemical name. If you are doubtful, check with your doctor or pharmacist.

2. Before using your medicine.
a) Giving information.
Everyone is different and the pharmacist will need to know some facts about you before he/she can give the right advice. Therefore, before you obtain any medicine, tell your doctor or pharmacist the following information:
  • What are the symptoms that you have and how long they have occurred.
  • If you have seen any health care provider
  • All the medicines and dietary supplements you are taking or have taken recently, including prescription and non-prescription medicine.
  • Any allergies and sensitivities to medicine, food or other substances.
  • Your smoking, drinking and exercise habits.
  • Any special diet you are on: low sugar, low-salt or a diet to lose or gain weight
  • If you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or if you are breast feeding
  • Family history of illness(es).
b) Read the label.
The label on your medicine envelope or bottle contains important information. Your label may look different but it will show:

i) Your name

ii) The name of the medicine and its strength

iii) Instructions on how to take your medicine

  • the amount and frequency to be taken
  • before, with or after food
  • other special precautions for example, do not take any alcohol with this medicine.

As a general rule, take your medicine immediately after food. This helps you to remember when to take your medicine and to avoid getting an upset stomach. Some medicine, e.g. PENICILLIN need to be taken on an empty stomach as food interferes with their absorption. If in doubt, ask your pharmacist.

The instruction on the label are not just a rough guide but must be followed carefully. For example:


This means about one hour before a meal and NOT two minutes before. Some medicines need to be absorbed into your system quickly so that they can act at full strength. Some of the effects of the medicine could be lost or delayed with presence of food. If you forget to take it at this time, it is probably better to take it after meal than rather not at all.


Some medicine can upset or irritate your stomach. To minimize this, the label may tell you to take your medicines within five to ten minutes after meals.


Instructions to take with water means a full glass of water. This will prevent tablets or capsules sticking into your throat. Do not substitute with other fluids without checking with your pharmacist or doctor.


Some tablets or capsules have special coating that stay in place as they travel through your stomach. The coating then dissolves in the intestine to release the medicine where it can best be absorbed without irritating your stomach. Other type of coating allow medicines to be released gradually throughout the day. Chewing would destroy these features.


Some medicine can irritate the stomach lining. To protect the stomach these medicine should be taken with or after food.


When you are taking antibiotics for an infection , you often feel better after just a day or two. However, the germs could still be there, ready to multiply if you stop the medicine. By taking regular doses and finishing the course, you maintain the antibiotic levels in your system to make sure none of the germs get away. Otherwise the germs could become resistant to the medicine and make you ill again.


Some medicine can make you feel too tired to drive or use machines safely.Check with the pharmacist if you are not sure whether the medicine you are taking can cause this problem.