Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quality use of Medicine


Quality use of medicine (QUM) involves:

  • Selection of management options wisely (treatment with or without medicine) either by healthcare practitioner or individual (consumer).
  • If a medicine (includes prescription, non prescription and complementary medicine) is necessary, a suitable medicine should be chosen.
  • To get the best possible results, the medicine should be used safely and effectively.


To make the best possible use of medicines so as to improve health outcomes.

As a consumer/patient, you are responsible to:

  1. Ask for and use information, resources and services.
  2. Be aware of the risks and benefits of medicines, non drug options and healthy lifestyle.
  3. Develop skills and seek help to solve problems related to the use of medicines.
  4. Be aware of the place of the medicines in your health.
  5. Tell your doctor/pharmacist all medicines taken and your current health condition (including pregnancy, plan to become pregnant and nursing status).

In achieving QUM, you should be able to ask these questions and get satisfactory answers.

1) Is it necessary for me to take the medicine?
There must be an appropriate reason for you to take any medicines. This is because there may be better ways than medicine to manage many disorders. Medicines should be used to cure or arrest disease, relieve symptoms, ease pain, correct deficiency diseases and provide other benefits.

Other management options (treatment with or without medicine) should be discussed with your doctor or pharmacist.

2) How do I take the medicine?
Follow the instruction that has been written on the label or as instructed by your doctor/pharmacist.

3) Where can I get the medicine?
You can get your medicines from the hospital, pharmacy, health centre and clinic. Do not get your medicine from unauthorized personnel.

You need to be cautious when buying medicines and supplements online or from non-pharmacy sources as it put you at risk of getting the wrong, contaminated and counterfeit product.

4) What should I know about the medicine?

The name of the medicine Active ingredientsThe purpose of the medicine How much, how often and how long to take itHow the medicine should be used or takenPossible side effects and what to do if you have themSpecial warnings or instructions about the medicine (take before bedtime or with meals, etc)Expiry dateStorage conditions

5) How to store the medicine?
Proper storage is important to assure the quality and therapeutic properties of the medicines are maintained. Here are some guides on how to store your medicines:
Store all of your medications in a designated location in your house.Do not mix different medicines together in one container.Medicines should be stored in a cool, dry area.Medicines stored in refrigerator should be separated from other items in the refrigerator and label as medicines.Oral medicines should be kept separate from other items that are for external use only.Expired medicines and any medicine that your doctor has discontinued should be discarded.Never share or give your medicines to another person.Make sure your medicines are stored out of children's reach.If a drug is not stored in its original container, make sure that it is labeled properly i.e. for whom, drug name, dosage, frequency and expiry date.Do not leave your medicine in an automobile for long period of time.

6) Can I stop taking the medication when I feel healthy?
No, you have to discuss this matter with your doctor/pharmacist. Compliance towards your medication is very important in order to get full benefit from it. Noncompliance may result in treatment failure.

7) What if I missed my medications?
Many people forget to take their medications. Whether to take a missed dose depends on the medicine. In some cases, it may be appropriate to take the missed dose as soon as you remember. In other cases, it may be too close to the time you need to take your next dose. If you are not sure what to do, get advice from your doctor/pharmacist.

Memory aids such as pillbox and marking on a daily calendar can help you to remember when to take the medicines.

8) What if I feel uncomfortable after taking the medicines?
Consult with your doctor/pharmacist. You may experience side effects or you are allergic to the medicines. Drug interaction may also contribute to this condition.

9) Where can I get more information about my medicines?
Consult with your doctor/pharmacist. You can get a lot of information from various websites on the internet but you must verify the information with your doctor/pharmacist.

10) If I have trouble to swallow, is there any alternatives to take the medicines?
You should tell your doctor/pharmacist of your problem. Dosage forms of medicine can be changed if available (eg. tablet to liquid formulation, gel, suppository or patch).

There are various types of dosage forms of medicines. The difference between each dosage form depend on where it works in our body, how fast it acts, for whom it is designed (eg. children may need liquid formulation or chewable tablets), how frequent it should be taken and specific disease states.

11) Is there a possibility that I may be taking the same medicine from different clinics / hospital?
Yes. Medicines may be prescribed by its brand or generic name. That is why it is very important for you to know the active ingredient in that medicine. This will be referred to as the generic name by healthcare providers. It also helps to know the dose of medicine to be taken, as to avoid overdosing or toxicity.

You can ask your doctor/pharmacist the generic name of your medicine when in doubt.

12) Is it safe to take other herbal medicines and other dietary supplements together with the prescribed medicines?
Many herbals and dietary supplements are made from natural ingredient, and many people think that they are safer than medicines. However, not many of these supplements have been tested when taken together with other prescribed medicines. Therefore, any side effects or drug interaction may not be documented and safety data cannot be established.

There are two myths that need to be addressed. First, once the natural or herbal ingredient has been made into tablets or capsules, it is no longer natural because other ingredients such as lactose or starch are added to make the final product. Second, herbs may contain very potent substance such as opium, curare and ephedrine. And they can kill!

Consult with your doctor/pharmacist before taking any herbals and supplementary medicines.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

5 Consumer Responsibilities toward medicines

While the 8 universal consumer rights towards medicines fundamentally safeguards consumer welfare and interest, consumers themselves also have an important role to play to ensure a healthy social economic balance and sustainable progress.

Critical awareness
The responsibility to be more alert and questioning about the price and quality of goods (medicines) and services we use. Consumers must be careful and wary in selecting and purchasing medicines especially for those who practice self-medication.

The responsibility to assert ourselves and act to ensure that we get a fair deal. As long as we remain as passive consumers, we will continue to be exploited. Ask your healthcare professionals about your medications and medicines and take redressal actions if you are being cheated or exploited.

Social Concerns
The responsibility to be aware of the impact of our consumption on other people, especially disadvantage or powerless groups whether in the local, national or international community.

Environmental Awareness
The responsibility to understand the environment consequences of our medicines consumption. Consumers should recognize their individual and social responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect the earth for future generations. When disposing unused or expired medicines, consumers must take proper care and measures so as not to pollute the environment with the content im the medicines.

The responsibility to organize together as consumers to develop the strength and influence to promote and protect our interest.

Consumer Rights in the Use of Medicines

These are the 8 Consumers rights in the use of Medicines.

I. Right to Basic Needs of Medicines
Healthcare is a basic need essential to live. It is your basic rights as an individual to have equitable access to medical care and medicines for health and wellbeing. Therefore, it forms the fundamental responsibilities of governments in every country to ensure that their people have equitable access to basic medicines needs.

II. Right to Information of the medicines.
Consumers have the right to be well-informed of the medicines they are taking. Healthcare professionals and the labels on medicines products must inform consumers what kind of medicines they are taking, what are the side effects, how to take their medicines, how frequent to take it, and the stating precautionary health warnings.

III. Right to Choice
The right to choose is essentially a consumer's right to choose a safe and healthy product of good quality over an unsafe or defective medicines product. By doing so, consumers can also influence healthy practices to be adopted by the market. It is also important for consumers to have a variety of healthy choices and in medicines, consumers have every right to choose and request for generic versions of their medicines from healthcare providers.

IV. Right to Safety
Every consumer has the right to safe medication. All medicines, whether its prescription drug or health supplements must not in anyway, bring harm to consumers. The Ministry of Health strives to ensure that every single medicines sold in the market is safe for consumer to use.

V. Right to Redress
The right to obtain redress is an important element given to protect consumer interests. Redress mechanisms such as the Consumer Tribunal and legal courts exist for consumers to gain redress and seek compensation for damages incurred due to medicines.

VI. Right to be heard
The right to be heard means that consumers should be allowed to voice their opinions and grievances at appropriate channels e.g. health authorities. If you have been cheated in the market place or deprived of the right quality of service about your medicines, your complaint should be heard and given due attention by the authorities. Consumers should also have a right to voice their opinion when rules and regulations concerning them are being drafted.

VII. Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment
The need for environmental conservation is seen as a necessary defense against deteriorating quality of life world-wide. As certain medicines are poisons, their disposal must be carefully and safely done so that it would not cause any significant harm to the surrounding living environment. Polluted environments lead to increased health costs and discomfort for consumers. Valuable resources are lost due to polluted environment and living conditions. Consumers need to understand that only a safe environment can ensure the fulfillment of their consumer rights.

VIII. Right to Consumer Education
Consumer education empowers consumers to exercise their consumer rights and is perhaps the single most powerful tool for consumer protection. Consumer education is dynamic, participatory and is mostly acquired by hands-on and practical experience. Consumer education can be in the form of past experiences of consumers, information dissemination by government agencies and NGOs, classroom teaching by teachers and informal lessons by parents.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Consumer's right

Introduction on consumer's right.

There are fundamentally eight consumer rights which are universally acknowledged by the global society. Ranging from basic needs to redress, they are essential elements of human rights. In the 20th century, the presence and influence of the market grew dramatically in consumer life. We began to purchase things from the market for a price. Soon, mass production and industrial production came into being, giving the consumer world an entirely new dimension. Have you ever wondered how much urban consumers depend on the market for fulfillment of even their basic needs? This over-dependence on the market and the inherent profit motive in mass production and sales has given manufacturers and dealers a good reason to exploit consumers. As a consumer, you would know how market products are constantly under-weight, of inferior quality and do not prescribe to quality standards specified by quality-control agencies. Consumers not only do not get value for their money but also often have to suffer losses and inconvenience due to market manipulations.

Consumer rights are now an integral part of our lives like a consumerist way of life. They have been well documented and much talked about. We have all made use of them at some point in our daily lives. Market resources and influences are growing by the day and so is the awareness of one's consumer rights. These rights are well-defined and there are agencies like the government, consumer courts and voluntary organisations that work towards safeguarding them. While we all like to know about our rights and make full use of them, consumer responsibility is an area which is still not demarcated and it is hard to spell out all the responsibilities that a consumer is supposed to shoulder.

Next post will be the 8 consumer's right.

Blog objectives

Those who concern about their health and medicines and the health of their loved ones are recommended to read all the info available here.

The main objectives of this blog are..

1. Increase consumer's awareness on rational use of medicines and consumer's right to medicines information.
2. Provide consumers with information on different issues related to medicines and health.
3. Ensure that consumers know their medicines, what they should and should not take, and why. 4. Improve adverse drug reporting through patient education.
5. Improve knowledge of mothers on their children's medicines.
6. Assist senior citizens on the use of medicines.