Wednesday, August 20, 2008

5 Consumer Responsibilities toward medicines

While the 8 universal consumer rights towards medicines fundamentally safeguards consumer welfare and interest, consumers themselves also have an important role to play to ensure a healthy social economic balance and sustainable progress.

Critical awareness
The responsibility to be more alert and questioning about the price and quality of goods (medicines) and services we use. Consumers must be careful and wary in selecting and purchasing medicines especially for those who practice self-medication.

The responsibility to assert ourselves and act to ensure that we get a fair deal. As long as we remain as passive consumers, we will continue to be exploited. Ask your healthcare professionals about your medications and medicines and take redressal actions if you are being cheated or exploited.

Social Concerns
The responsibility to be aware of the impact of our consumption on other people, especially disadvantage or powerless groups whether in the local, national or international community.

Environmental Awareness
The responsibility to understand the environment consequences of our medicines consumption. Consumers should recognize their individual and social responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect the earth for future generations. When disposing unused or expired medicines, consumers must take proper care and measures so as not to pollute the environment with the content im the medicines.

The responsibility to organize together as consumers to develop the strength and influence to promote and protect our interest.